During the summer and autumn of 2012 I was involved in editing and designing the motion graphics for “Sandgrains”, crow-founded documentary produced by Matchboxmedia collective.
This documentary is not only a trying to help rise awareness over the situation in Cape Verde, but also trying to save our seas from an imminent death, if we just keep on fishing disregardful of the consequences.
The documentary follows José Fortes, that after a long absence, returns home to Cape Verde to find his community transformed. The fish that have provided income and food for generations are disappearing from the sea, and people are being forced to sell the sand from their beaches just to survive. The reasons for this are all around the archipelago: European vessels returning home with fish from Cape Verdean waters.

This documentary is not only a trying to help rise awareness over the situation in Cape Verde, but also trying to save our seas from an inminet death, if we just keep on fishing disregardful of the consequences.
This film aims to see a change in how Europe fishes abroad, and to reach out to a wider audience that can work together towards making this happen. In 2012 the Common Fisheries Policy will be reformed for the first time in a decade and a positive outcome will also benefit Cape Verde.
It is a crowdfunded documentary produced under a creative commons license. The project draws on support, talent and expertise through interactive web technology and social networks. It uses crowd-funding and crowd-sourcing as its production strategy and reaches out to a global audience that performs a vital role in driving the project.
For more info or to pre-order your copy of Sandgrains visit Sandgrains website.

Sandgrains poster.

The edition of the documentary was a really complex process that took over 6 moths. Endless hours of amazing material and really interesting interviews made the task of editing the final documentary really hard. Here is a sample of the final cut timeline just before the final render.

Final Cut 7 timeline just before the final render.